Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Subliminal advertising really execute es work, claim scientists

A relabel able thing about cult mind control is that it’s so ordinary in the tactics and strategies of social influence employed.

They are variants of well-known social psychological principles of compliance, conformity, persuasion, dissonance, reactance, framing, emotional manipulation, and others that are employ d on all of us daily to entice us: to buy, to try, to execute nate, to vote, to join, to change, to believe, to like , to despise the enemy.

Cult mind control is not different in kind from these everyday varieties, but in its noteworthy er intensity, persistence, duration, and scope. One inequity is in its noteworthy er efforts to block quitting the group, by imposing high exit costs, replete with induced phobias of harm, failure, and personal isolation.

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