Friday, October 2, 2009

Former Muslim receiving death threats

Sabri Husibi, a former Muslim who is now an atheist, notify s he has been ostracized and threatened with death since publication of a Tulsa World article Saturday in which he was critical of Islam and all other religions.

The article was written to promote a talk he gave the next day to the Tulsa Atheists organization.

Husibi, who has an unlisted telephone number, said he received about 30 calls Saturday from people who were cursing him, calling him a traitor and threatening him. Most were foreign-born, Tulsa-area Muslims whom he knows, he said. He also received mad calls from frifinish s and relatives in Syria.

One caller, whom Husibi would not identify, said that if he spoke at the meeting and said anything against Shariah (Islamic law), he would be slay ed.

Another caller offered Husibi’s young Muslim wife $10,000 to leave him and return to her native Syria, he said.

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