Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Parents convicted in daughter’s faith healing death to be sentenced

January 2007 â€" Leilani Neumann opens Monkey Mo’s Coffee Shop in Weston.
March 23, 2008 â€" 11-year-feeble Madeline Kara Neumann dies.

March 31, 2008 â€" The Neumanns reopen Monkey Mo’s. It was closed following Kara’s death.

April 28, 2008 â€" A criminal complaint against the Neumanns is filed by Marathon County prosegash ors.

April 30, 2008 â€" The Neumanns create an initial court appearance, where they are charged with second-degree reckless homicide.

May 7, 2008 â€" Dale Neumann is found indigent, and the court appoints him an attorney at county taxpayer expense.

June 10, 2008 â€" The Neumanns waive their correct to a preliminary hearing, and Judge Vincent Howard orders them to stand trial.

Aug. 19, 2008 â€" The Neumanns plead not guilty.

Oct. 31, 2008 â€" The Neumanns close Monkey Mo’s.

Dec. 1, 2008 â€" Judge Howard refemploy s to dismiss charges.

Dec. 22, 2008 â€" Separate trial dates are announced, Leilani on May 14 and Dale on July 23.

March 31 â€" The court appoints an attorney for Leilani at county taxpayer expense.

April 2 â€" The Neumanns file a motion to find District Attorney Jill Falstad in contempt for failing to return some of the couple’s possessions by a court deadline.

April 7 â€" Falstad wins a Marathon County judicial election. She will hold her position as a judge in August.

April 10 â€" The contempt motion is withdrawn.

May 14 â€" Jury selection start s for Leilani Neumann trial.

May 15 â€" Jury of seven men, seven women, including two alternates, is picked.

May 16 â€" Leilani Neumann drop s ill during opening statements.

May 18 â€" Prosegash ors call their first witness.

May 21 â€" Prosegash ors rest their case. The defense rests without calling a witness.

May 22 â€" The jury finds Leilani Neumann guilty of second-degree reckless homicide.

July 23 â€" Jury selection start s for Dale Neumann trial.

July 24 â€" Jury of eight men, six women, including two alternates, is picked.

July 25 â€" Opening statements made in Dale Neumann trial.

July 28 â€" Prosegash ors call Leilani Neumann to testify after granting her immunity.

July 29 â€" Prosegash ion rests. Defense calls its first witness.

July 30 â€" Dale Neumann testifies in his own defense.

Aug. 1 â€" The jury finds Dale Neumann guilty of second-degree reckless homicide.

Aug. 5 â€" Howard allows Neumanns to leave the state to visit family.

Sept. 15 â€" U.S. Bank filed foreclosure proceedings in Marathon County Circuit Court against the Neumanns’ village of Weston home after they defaulted on their $250,000 bank loan.

Tuesday â€" Dale and Leilani scheduled to be sentenced.

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